28. Together
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Purposefully written to be a ‘happier’/lighter song. It had an arrested development when Martin (Prescient) convinced me that there were just too many lyrics.
The original melody however didn’t fit the subsequent 50% reduction in words, so there was quite a lull while I tried to figure out and stick with something new ... quite difficult when you’ve become wedded to a tune. However, the original tune ended up being a useful short break in the middle, so nothing was wasted.
It was only when recording that I realised the vocal at the end was just too high for me to even demo ... so unfortunately I had to drop it DOWN (which is less climactic vs. going UP) and transition down to it. So the change would not be too jarring, I duplicated my voice and pitch-shifted it up an octave. An octave shift is too much for the plugins I use to make it sound natural, so it is kept well in the background while still giving an impression of a female backing singer.