18. Take My Advice (ft. James Barnett)
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Roy, my only sibling and four years my senior, still lives in the UK. James, the youngest of his 3 kids and now an adult with his own family, visited us on his own in Australia in 2015. During one of our many chats, and to my surprise, James mentioned that he also played guitar, sang, and had written some songs. I suggested we spend a couple of hours and record one as a good way for two males, near strangers from different generations and with little else in common, to enjoy each other’s company and do something constructive (while still taking the piss out of each other at every opportunity).
It took him an hour or so to find and practice the lyrics and chords, and to familiarise himself with my 12-string. We laid down the song as per my usual formula. I thought the song was great ... a simple but powerfully effective style I’ve never managed to write myself ... and we spent another hour while I fiddled with the drum patterns, a bass and violin parts. The overall effect is a modern acoustic song.
James probably has another couple of decades ahead of him of work and family commitments so he is unlikely to be able to get his songs recorded and released any time soon. He was therefore happy for me to include this song on my album. I view it as one the strongest tracks and am very pleased that a) we did it, and b) my simple production ability made a good setting for his diamond.