26. Shadows
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‘Shadows’ was inspired by an original poem/lyric by Katina Michael (the female voice-over on “The Cloud/Uberveillance” on Prescient). Again, it was totally unlike anything I could have dreamed up myself and seemed to fit a multi-tempo ‘old folk music’ piece that had bubbled up.
It took me a while to even figure what meter(s) I found myself playing in ... each verse is an alternating 5/4 6/4, then there’s 5/4 repeats, and a 3/4 section. As I’m no drummer, trying to work out percussion for the 5/4 + 6/4 was a headache, but I eventually got something into a MIDI pattern ... largely through trial and error.
The 5/4 feel probably came from my playing of Take Five (Dave Brubeck) on piano.
I had met local professional musician Mike Wade several years beforehand and, after a recent chance meeting, he kindly offered to write a couple of MIDI drum bars for me to use. I sat in his studio while he did it. Great fun.
For variation in the song I use mine, his, both together, and also superimposed a real snare for a couple of the long drum rolls.