12. The Cloud/
Uberveillance III
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Greg: (/cont. from Part l). After distilling the original transcript to 100 words, I asked Katina to record herself reading the short verses on her mobile phone and email me the file. I then commenced applying the words to the music. Largely orchestral, Martin felt it didn’t work for him and he had a go making it more ‘digital’.
His version, which became Part l, was great in its own right. But, being so different, I realised mine could still work as a separate song. It echoes Martin's song by using a few key vocal phrases. I concocted a new verse from the transcript, giving an upbeat sentiment (as everyone reckons I'm so melancholic!), which Katina again ‘phoned in’. Heavy use of MIDI strings and guitar created a piece that for me is similar in tone to ‘War of the Worlds’... grand and stagey. This is the only song on the album without a drum or bass track, or vocals from me or Martin.
We had toyed with some sound FX to 'close' songs. One possibility was a needle scratching across a record. But only us oldies would recognise that. Considering the technology theme for this song, I found some 'powering down' noises but individually they sounded quite weak and were much too quick. In the end, I use three different ones, stacked, lengthened, and with the bottom end accentuated. Amazing how lack of power can sound so powerful! This in itself led this track to become the album closer and Part l, as a result, to be the opener.