4. Colours Fade
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Greg: Sitting at the kitchen table, mucking about on guitar, and also mulling over climate change and other environmental issues, I wanted a short phrase which would encapsulate it, and “the colours are starting to fade” suited my frame of mind. As often happens, the flow of syllables dictates the song rhythm and the first two chords came from something I’d recently been playing.
Crosby Still and Nash’s performance of Wind On The Water, with the whale video up on screen, always had a big effect on me. So I dug up a whale-song effect to use. Once I got the first call in the right spot, the rest seemed to follow the flow of the song (thank goodness). To broaden the appeal, I also brought in wolves as it is such a recognisable sound. The ‘electric guitar’ was a sample played via MIDI keyboard using the wonderful XPand plugin.