1. The Cloud/
Uberveillance I
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Greg: This turned out to be the most contentious of all and had a long gestation! I heard a podcasted debate on ABC Radio in late 2014 called "We Are Enslaved By Technology" in which Associate Professor Katina Michael spoke for the positive motion. Not only well-argued, it was eloquent and passionate. Her nine minute speech was a great performance piece and unlike any other debater I'd ever heard. Besides impressing the tech cynic in me, it struck a wide chord … the audience went bat-shit crazy with applause (I think we are all a little unsettled about trends in IT and social networking). The next speaker, the well-known Australian public speaker and philosopher Peter Singer, was totally thrown. Martin and I had just started down the co-writing path and I felt the subject matter would make a great 'message' song. Google informed me Katina was a lecturer at University of Wollongong (NSW), and I emailed her my suggestion. I then forgot about it until a couple of months later when she replied with a guarded 'yes'. I hacked her 2000 word original transcript down to 100, suitable for a 3-4 minute song, which surprisingly she liked and approved. We have yet to meet Katina in person! Apart from speaking a couple of times by phone, the whole project was handled by email. (More info in Part lll).
Martin: I struggled a bit with this one initially. My thoughts on the song were almost diametrically opposite to Greg's - so we went round in circles for weeks. Eventually I wrote what became Uberveillance l from scratch - taking the lyrical idea from Katina and adding a counter-melody/song to complement her spoken delivery. The opening riff came to me in seconds and the driving bass just seemed to fit. The chord sequence in the verses stemmed from an idea of playing chords around a static upper "tone". There is no chorus but the lead break was a "first-take" and it ended up staying in the song.