8. Pleasant Land
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Greg: The McNewspaper had stories on ethnic riots in England, increases in boat people/illegal immigrants hitting Australian shores, and ethnic footballs riots at soccer matches in Melbourne. I remember the month we emigrated from the UK; Brixton (a London suburb infamous for ethnic unrest) was ablaze, and now the same stuff was happening in Australia. As a challenge, I decided to do this song in 3/4 (waltz) tempo and, as soon as the first line was in place, an Elizabethan harpsichord sound became the natural choice. Working through the MIDI sounds, I settled on the Bandeon which contrasted most with the “harp” intro and harpsichord accompaniment. The harpsichord doesn’t resonate for very long so I filled out the sound with a classical guitar doing simple arpeggios and the bass notes really drive the song. I got flummoxed in the last verse, singing “fires ... in the street” instead of “ ... in the nest” (where they live). Fire in a nest gives a much sharper visualisation of stupidity ... but too little time - we had to keep moving on!