1. Logan Ellis (NZ)
Logan Ellis is a New Zealand performer, producer and teacher. His November 2021 review of the album is summarised here:
"There are [many] different and interesting stories that got told here and Greg Barnett told them so eloquently and with a charm that is unlike a lot of the other people I listen to doing these reviews. I have a lot of a lot of respect for what Greg [has] attempted to do here and I think it's been a success.”
His full video review/live reaction is available HERE
<2. Jess Chizuk (USA)
Jess Chizuk is an indie-folk/Americana singer-songwriter from Buffalo, NY, with a number of songwriting awards and achievements under her belt and a busy performer across the USA. Her November 2021 review of the album is summarised here:
"An album that is full of deep, pensive moments that are rich with insight and reverence. This is gentle singer-songwriter music to its core. Greg’s arranging and producing capabilities serve to broaden his artistic range and deepen his impact as a musician.”
Her full written review is available HERE